

Do I have to pay to register?
Membership registration is free.
Customers using services on the EMTG English version may only use the EMTG Lite course with a free membership.
Can I use your services (e-tickets, ticket orders) on a tablet device?
These services are only available for use on smartphones.
They cannot be used on tablet devices.
I can't change my registered email address.
Please verify the following.

If you entered a new email address and received an error message saying, "The email address in invalid"
??id you enter the email address correctly?

If you do not receive a reply email at the email address you registered to receive confirmation
??as the confirmation email blocked by your email settings?
-->Please check your email settings.
??as the confirmation email automatically filtered into your spam folder?

*If you are not sure how to check or change your receiving settings, please contact your cellular service provider.
I am sure my Member ID and password are correct, but I can't log in.
There are several possible reasons you are unable to log in.

If a message has displayed reading, "The password and EMTG ID or email address do not match."

??lease enter only half-width Roman alphanumerics. (Full-width characters will prompt an error.)
[EX.] Half-width: 123/abc Full-width: 鐚?鐚?鐚?/鐔?鐔?鐔?
??haracters are case-sensitive and incorrect case entry will prompt an error. Please be careful to enter the correct cases.
??nclusion of spaces will prompt an error. Please delete any excess spaces.
??here may be an input error (please double-check that you have entered the information correctly).

*If you have an EMTG ID, it will be a 12-digit ID starting with the letter "E" (E10000000000). Double-check that you have entered the "E" at the beginning of your ID. (The "E" is a half-width character.)

??here may have an error caused by loading old data (cache).
Please try deleting your cache.

Android4.x/Clear cache
Launch your browser. In the upper-right menu icon, go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear Cache, and delete your cache.

iPhone/Clear cache
Go to Settings > Safari > Clear Cookies and Data. Restart Safari and try to log in again.

*Please refer to the manual for the browser you use for details about managing settings.

If you are sent back to the login screen after you log in:

Check the cookie settings for the browser you are using.

Android4.x/Cookie settings
Launch your browser. In the upper-right menu icon, go to Settings > Privacy and Security. Make sure the "Accept Cookies" box is checked.

iPhone/Cookie settings
Go to Settings > Safari > and make sure that either "From visited sites only" or "Always" are selected under "Accept Cookies." Restart Safari after changing your cookie settings, and try to log in again.

*Please refer to the manual for the browser you use for details about managing settings.
I forgot my Member ID or password.
Forgot your Member ID?
Member ID is email address.

Forgot your password?
Go to this page to retrieve it.

If the procedures above do not work:
Contact our member services desk.
We will need to verify your identity when you contact us.
[Please contact us here]

You must enter all required items to make an inquiry. Thank you for your understanding.
Please be aware that it may take us several days to reply to your inquiry.

Our business hours are weekdays 11:00~18:00 Japan time (JST). We are closed on weekends and holidays.
Are there any age restrictions for membership?
Persons under 6 years of age may not register.
If a person under 6 has registered by mistake, purchased tickets may be invalidated without a refund.
Please be mindful of this when you register.

Additionally, all minors must have the approval of a guardian to register.
[Orders] Can I cancel or change an order after it is completed?
You may not change or delete any order details after tickets are requested.
Please carefully verify all order details before proceeding.
[Orders] Can I verify the details of my order?
You can review the details under 'Ticket Application History' on My Page.
We will also send you an order confirmation email.
[Payment] The payment method I selected is not displayed on My Page.
If you ordered using a credit card, PayPal, or China UnionPay, payment will be drawn from the card or PayPal account you entered when making the order.

Further, this will be the form of payment by which you receive payment for ticket charges if you order multiple tickets at once.
[Drawings] I didn't receive an email about the results of the drawing.
If the winner announcement date has passed and you have not received an email, you can always view the results of drawings in Ticket Application History on My Page within the announcement and payment period for each receipt.

The email may be blocked by your email service's anti-spam software.
[Orders] I can't submit my entry (no response when I push the button).
If you are using an Android smartphone, your browser may prevent you from submitting your entry or the submit button from responding.

If this is the case, switch your browser to Google Chrome, and try again.
[Payments] What forms of payment do you accept?
You may choose from the payment methods below.
:Credit card (VISA, MASTER, JCB, AMEX, Diners)
:China UnionPay

When you order tickets, you will enter your card or account information, and if you are selected, payment will be settled using the card or PayPal account you entered.
Deposits cannot be received outside of the specified period.

Persons who requested multiple tickets will be paid for the tickets all at once.
Payment cannot be settled if logged in with a Member ID of a member who entered as a companion.
How do I download and use the e-ticket app?
1. Download the EMTG Ticket e-ticket app!

Please access the app using your smartphone.

iPhone Users
Android Users

2. Log in with the ID (email address) used for purchasing tickets and your password!

After you log in, a list of your tickets will display under My Tickets.

3. Tap the tickets you want to view from your My Tickets ticket list.

Your e-tickets will be displayed.
I don't have a smartphone. Can I still use the service?
This app can only be used on smartphones.

The required OS differs depending on the entry method.
E-ticket entry into a venue requires iOS 7.0 or Android 4.0 or later operating systems.
Some devices may not be compatible even they meet the OS requirements above.

Check for supported/unsupported devices
I can't distribute my e-tickets.
Distribution allowance and periods may differ depending on the tickets purchased.
First, go to the Purchased Tickets page or the initial ticket info email you to check the distribution conditions for your tickets.

Please also refer to the FAQ below.
How do I distribute e-tickets?
I can't claim my e-tickets.
Always verify the following
You can't claim your tickets before they are first displayed!
Check the 'Ticket Display Schedule' by going to the e-ticket app --> 'MENU : Receive tickets' --> 'View Schedule.'
You can only claim e-tickets for performances that are labeled [Tickets Issued].
*The display start time differs depending on the ticket purchased.

If you cannot claim tickets even though they show as [Tickets Issued], please check the following.

[1] Tickets are displayed when you log into the e-ticket app with the ID (Member ID) you used when purchasing the tickets.

You may be logged into the e-ticket app with a different ID.

If you have verified your [ID] from the menu in the e-ticket app, please contact us.
[1] --> [Please contact us here] (Please select 'E-ticket'.)

[2] The tickets require entering a ticket exchange number.

Check here if you are unsure about exchange procedures.
There may be an error in the ticket exchange number or the phone number entered when ordering.
Please check that the ticket exchange number and phone number entered are correct.

If this does not resolve the issue, please contact us with the Ticket Exchange Number and Order Phone Number.
[2] --> [Please contact us here] (Please select 'E-ticket'.)

[3] Tickets can only be claimed on the device with the phone number used when ordering.

Check here if you are not receiving SMS messages.
The phone number entered when ordering and the phone number of the device you are using to claim tickets may be different.

If this does not resolve the issue, please contact us with the phone number registered with the order, the phone number of the device being used to claim, and the error code.
[3] --> [Please contact us here] (Please select 'E-ticket'.)
My name is not displayed on my e-tickets.
If your e-tickets display, but your name does not, there is no name registered for the EMTG ID logged into the EMTG Tickets e-ticket app.
Please follow the procedure below to register.

How to Register

1. Go to http://emtg.jp/ and log in using the EMTG ID you use to log into the app.

2. Once you are logged in, go to [My Page] and proceed to Check/Edit Registration Details. Select [Edit] in the lower part of Member Information.

3. Enter the required information and go to [Save Changes].

4. After your changes are saved, check your e-ticket again.

If you see <Incomplete Registration [Register]> under 'Required Customer Information' in the member registration information at My PageTOP, tap the [Register] button to go to the registration screen.

You will not be able to change your name once you register. Please exercise caution.
How do I register mobile phone number for verification?
Android Users
When you log into the e-ticket app, the phone number for the device you are using will be automatically registered.
The phone number will appear on your screen. Please verify it and then log in.

iPhone Users
When you change devices from the device initially used, you will have to enter your phone number when you log into the e-ticket app.
A short message with a Verification Number will be sent to the phone number you enter. Enter that Verification Number on the SMS Verification screen in the app to complete registration and login of your phone number.

If you used the app previously, you will still be able to use the app without a registered number until you complete the device change or app reinstall.
I entered a phone number for SMS verification, but I did not receive an SMS message.
Please verify the following.

:Is the phone number correct?
:Can your device receive SMS messages?
:Is SMS message receiving enabled in your settings?
:Does your device reject SMS messages from unknown or foreign numbers?

If you have verified the following and still cannot perform SMS verification, please check the items below.

:Please wait a while and try again (our server may be busy).
:Reload your SMS Verification screen.
:Try removing and reinserting your SIM card (if the card is removable).
:Try changing your phone settings to allow unknown and foreign numbers.
*For details on how to change your receive settings, contact your SMS service provider.

If the issue is not resolved by any of the above means, try reinstalling the e-ticket app.
I am not able to go to a performance or event with an e-ticket I got through sharing.
Tickets received through sharing can be returned to the original owner.
Tap the '莖弱?ヨ?????祉??' button on the ticket screen to return the ticket.

Tickets cannot be redistributed directly to another party. Please redistribute them only after returning them to the original ticket owner.
How do I distribute e-tickets?
1. Open the app and select the ticket you want to send from the My Tickets screen.

2. Tap the 'Give Tickets' button on the screen.
*The button will not appear on the screen if the tickets cannot be sent.

3. Select the tickets you want to send and tap 'Select Transfer Method.'

4. Select a delivery method. Delivery via e-mail or LINE is available.

5. Select the address, and send without changing the URL to claim the ticket.

*If the expiration date for claiming the tickets has passed, the delivery will be canceled and the claim URL will be invalidated.
Once the URL is invalidated, resume the delivery process from the beginning.

Please refer to the illustration below.
View distribution methods here

For some performances, the [Give All Tickets] procedure for returning shared or multiple tickets to one individual may not be available.

See below for information on claiming shared tickets.
How do I claim shared e-tickets?

How do I claim shared e-tickets?
1. Go to the ticket claim URL that was sent to you.

2. Verify the ticket details, and tap the [Claim Tickets] button.
*If you do not have an EMTG ID (email address), or do not have the app installed, please register for membership and install the app according to the instructions for how to claim your tickets.

3. Log in and complete the claim procedures displayed on the ticket screen.

Please refer to the illustration below.
View how to claim tickets here

See below for information on sharing tickets.
What to do if you changed devices
To prevent fraudulent use of e-tickets, our e-ticket app may not be used on multiple devices.
We respectfully ask that one customer use only one ID and one device.

We register the phone number of the device you use in order to identify the device.
*We cannot register numbers for landline of IP phones.

Please be aware that if you surpass the limit for allowed device changes, you will have to follow a prescribed procedure,
and the conditions of your use may be reviewed.

Device change limits
User device change and app reinstall: up to twice monthly
Registered phone number change: up to twice annually
How do I know if my device is supported by the e-ticket app?
The following smartphones are supported by the EMTG e-ticket app.

??martphones with cellular service capable of connecting to the internet.
* iOS 7.0 or Android OS 4.0 and later
*SMS and telephone service is required for iPhones.

The following device are not supported, even if they meet the specifications above!

??evices that do not support Google Play or App Store (Raku-Raku phones, feature phones, etc.)
??Pad / iPad mini
??ndroid tablets
??Pod touch
??IM-free devices (freetel series, etc.)
??G Optimus Vu L-06D
??-06D JOJO
Can I use the app if I upgrade to Memorial Collection?
You will be able to view the app with a Memorial Collection device upgrade.
After you upgrade your device, you will have to reinstall the EMTG e-ticket app to be able to view it.
I want to cancel my membership. EMTG Lite (free) Members
If you are an EMTG Lite (free) member, you have no monthly payments.

Advanced ticket reservations and many other services are provided for EMTG Lite (free) customers.

If you wish to delete all of your registered information even given the information above, please perform the following procedure.
*Member who have multiple Member ID's and wish to cancel should also follow this procedure.

Log into your EMTG My Page ( https://emtg.jp/member/mypage/ ) and go to [Membership cancellation] ---> [Cancel EMTG membership]

If you do not know your Member ID and password, please see the following FAQ.

If forgot my Member ID or password.:
[Please click here]
There is an error when I submit an inquiry by email.
If you use an email address like one or more of the following, you may receive an error in reply when you submit an inquiry by email.

??n address that uses any characters other than half-width alphanumeric characters, ".", "-" and "_"
(Example: "a+bc@***.com")
??n address that begins with a symbol or a space
(Example: "_abc@***.com")
??n address that has a symbol directly before the "@" character
(Example: "abc.@***.com")
??n address that contains two or more consecutive symbols
(Example: "a..bc@***.com")

If you have submitted your inquiry using an email address such as those above that does not adhere to the RFC standard, please either resubmit your inquiry using a different email address or change the address and try again.
I want to correct the personal information that I have entered.
To change your personal information, login to your MyPage and make the changes via "Check/Edit Registration Details."

Procedure to change information as entered:
Go to the EMTG top page and make your changes via the Login -> MyPage -> Check/Edit Registration Details -> "Edit" button.

However, please note the following.
Surname changes cannot be made by customers themselves.
[Please check here]

Please bear in mind that we cannot accept your changes if you do not provide the required items.

*Please be aware that changes may take a few days. We appreciate your understanding.
*Our business hours are weekdays from 11:00 to 18:00 (Japan time). We are closed on weekends and holidays.
*If you use multiple sites with the same EMTG ID, then you can request changes on only one site, and that information will also be reflected on the other sites that you use. There is no need to contact the other sites that you use.
I live outside Japan, can I join a premium member?
This service is only for Japan, so it is not available for the customers residing in other area.

If you have questions not covered by these FAQ:
For inquiries not resolved by reading through our FAQ, please tap the 'Inquiry Form' button below and submit your inquiry.

*Business hours for our service desk are weekdays 11:00~18:00 Japan time (JST). We are closed on weekends and holidays.

Inquiry Form