
Request for face photo registration for HYPNOSISMIC electronic ticket (E-ticket)

Tickets will be issued for both purchasers and companions using the “HYPSTER OFFICIAL APP”. For admission, you will require an "electronic ticket (E-ticket) with a face photo", and you will need to register face photos of everyone (including accompanying persons) who will attend the venue in advance.

Performances subject to E-tickets


Performance dateVenue
2024/11/2(Sat)Beisia Culture Hall, Gunma
2024/11/3(Sun)The Hirosawa City Hall, Ibaraki
2024/12/22(Sun)Yamagin Kenmin Hall, Yamagata
2024/12/28(Sat)Kitakyushu Soleil Hall, Fukuoka
2025/1/12(Sun)Osaka International Convention Center Main Hall (Grand Cube Osaka), Osaka
2025/1/18(Sat)Hino Brick Hall, Tokyo
2025/1/19(Sun)Act City Hamamatsu, Shizuoka

About identity verification when entering with E-tickets

Winners of tickets and accompanying persons must register their face photos on Tixplus by the deadline. Failure to do so will lead to refusal of admission.
*If you have already registered, you do not need to re-register. You can check your registration status on the MY Page.
Click here for MY Page

  • We will verify the identity of all visitors at the time of admission for this event. If you cannot verify your identity, we will refuse admission for any reason.
  • The purchaser’s name and photo will display on the E-ticket, and his/her identity will be verified at the time of admission to each venue using the E-ticket.
  • If you do not register your face photo, you will be refused admission. In addition, even if you have already registered your face photo, we may ask you to show your ID if it is difficult to verify your identity.
  • The purchaser must bring an ID card to the venue that can be used to verify the name on the ticket.
  • For details on ID, please check the official website and the E-ticket details page.

About registering face photos

Face photo registration date

Please register your photo at least 2 days prior to the event.

  • There is an examination for face photo registration. If it is difficult to verify your identity, we will ask you to re-register. Please see "Unacceptable photographs" for specific examples of photos that will not be accepted.
  • After registration, face photos cannot be modified or changed until the exam deems it unacceptable. Please be careful not to register an incorrect photo such as a photo of someone other than yourself.
  • If a photo is deemed unacceptable, a re-registration notice will be sent to the registered email address after the review. If you have set anti-spam measures (domain specified reception, etc.), please set it so that you can receive emails from "plusmember.jp".
    In addition, please check the MY Page to make sure the email address that was registered at the time of application is correct.
  • The review period may take some time. Please complete the registration as soon as possible.
  • Before registering a photo: Please check [Recommended settings].
    *The standard browser on Android 4.x may not work. If this happens, please use Google Chrome, or register from your PC.

About registering face photos of your companions

It is necessary for all accompanying persons to register their face photos.

  • Applicants should also inform their companions of this information page.
  • All companions should register their face photos by clicking the “Proceed to face photo registration” link at the bottom of this page and logging in using the Plus member ID that has been sent to the applicant.
  • If the companion does not have a smartphone and has declared that does not have it at the time of application, it is not necessary to register the companion's face photo.

About face photo examinations

  • Registered face photos will be examined in order from the closest performance date.
  • The results of examinations will be sent to the registered email address. If a photo is deemed to be unacceptable, please re-register.
  • The registration / examination deadline schedule for each performance is as follows. (Please register as soon as possible without waiting for the following deadlines)
  • Re-registration is possible even if a photo is rejected after the final registration date. For those who have re-registered, the screening will be done in order from the closest performance date.

Examples of acceptable photos

Acceptable face photo image

Photos that meet the conditions and can easily identify the person

  • JPG image 2MB or less and a width of 3000 pixels or less
  • Resolution above 240x320 pixels
    (Photos taken with a standard mobile phone camera clear the above conditions)
  • Taken within the past 6 months

Examples of unacceptable photos

  • Unacceptable photo images: wearing sunglasses, hats, scarfs

    Photos of subjects wearing sunglasses, hats, scarfs

  • Unacceptable face photo images: non-color photos

    non-color photos

  • Unacceptable face photo images: shadows due to backlight

    Photos with shadows due to backlight

  • Unacceptable face photo images: out of focus

    Photos that are out of focus

  • Unacceptable face photo images: face is partially hidden by peace sign

    Photos with parts of face hidden by peace sign

  • Unacceptable face photo images: nonnormal facial expressions

    Photos of subjects with nonnormal facial expressions

  • Unacceptable face photo image: wearing wedding and party outfits with party hairstyles

    Photos of subjects wearing wedding and party outfits with party hairstyles

  • Unacceptable face photo images: not facing and/or looking at camera

    Photos of subjects not facing and/or looking at camera

  • Unacceptable face photo images: backdrops and/or dark backgrounds

    Photos taken with backdrops and/or dark backgrounds

  • Unacceptable face photo images: decorated with frames, etc.

    Photos decorated with frames, etc.

  • Unacceptable face photo images: face takes up the entire photo

    Photos where the subject’s face takes up the entire photo

  • Unacceptable face photo images: taken diagonally

    Photos taken diagonally

  • Unacceptable face photo images: two or more people in photo

    Photos with two or more people

  • Unacceptable face photo images: taken together with pets

    Photos of subject holding pets

  • Unacceptable face photo images: photos of ID or printed photos taken with mobile phones

    Photos of ID or printed photos taken with mobile phones

  • Unacceptable face photo images: unsuitable aspect ratio

    Photos with unsuitable aspect ratios

Before registering photos: Please check [Recommended settings]
If you register an image that does not follow the recommended settings, the image may get damaged and fail the examination.

Proceed to face photo registration

MY Page